Dad Daze –The impact of the notorious RGB
Dad Daze –The impact of the notorious RGB
Published Oct. 5, 2020 (print, online)
“I spoke with relationship expert and bestselling author Heather Dugan, a huge fan of Ginsburg, for her take on how to speak about the legend’s impact.
‘Justice Ginsburg had a unique path, and your daughter can go on many different paths. Part of that is due to Ginsburg, who opened many doors that were closed to women.’ But it’s how Ginsburg opened the doors, which is interesting for Dugan, who stresses the importance of connectivity, which is central to her book, The Friendship Upgrade.
You don’t get anywhere unless you build on your personal connections,’ Dugan said. ‘Look at Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She surrounded herself by people who believed in her like the Columbia law professor (Gerald Gunther, who made sure Ginsburg became a law clerk with the U.S. District Court of New York) and her husband (Martin Ginsburg).
I would ask your daughter, ‘Which friends of yours believe in you?’ You want to be around people who see the best in you.’”